Saturday 28 November 2015

Noun, To Infinitive, Preposition, Helping Verb, dan Soal

well last time we have talk a lot about noun. well today we will still talk about Noun, But Noun in unique form. do you know that Verb also could change to be a noun? how? i'll tell u about it.

A. Gerund & To Infinitive

1. Gerund (Verb + -Ing)
salah satu fungsi gerund adalah mengubah kata kerja (verb) menjadi kata benda (noun). Gerund digunakan setelah preposisi. V-ing disebut sebagai gerund apabila tidak didahului oleh helping verb (to be).
1. Watching is fun.
2. I am interested in cooking.
3. I am good at running. Etc
4. The most widely used material for packaging consumer goods is cardboard

2. Infinitive (To + Verb)
To infinitive terdiri dari kata to dan bentuk dasar dari verb: to go, to be, to give, to build, etc. To infinitive juga sering digunakan untuk menunjukkan tujuan (mengapa suatu aksi terjadi. E.g: He took lesson to learn how to dance. Why did he take lesson? To learn how to dance). To infinitive juga bisa digunakan setelah Nouns, biasanya digunakan setelah noun phrase yang memuat kata-kata: first, last, only, etc.
a. To Invinitive sebagai subject>> to help others is rewarding.
b. To Invinitive sebagai object dari sebuah verb >> he attempted to swim across the river.
c. To Invinitive setelah Adjective >> It's important to change the oil in your car frequently.
d. To infinitive juga biasa muncul setelah nouns tertentu, seperti first, last, only, and other ranking words. e.g >> the first person to walk on the moon was Neil Amstrong.
e. to have her own wings is her dream.
f. Sports parachutes are relatively easy to control.

Setelah Preposisi hanya bisa menggunakan Gerund, no to infinitive.

Cara mudah mengenali Noun dapat dilihat pada akhiran kata:
-ism --------> Socialism
-ness --------> happiness
-er --------> explorer

-ment --------> Experiment
-age --------> marriage
-or --------> sailor

-ence --------> independence
-tion --------> information
-ist --------> archaeologist

-ty --------> beauty
-ship --------> scholarship
-ian --------> magician

-hood --------> childhood
cracy --------> democracy
-ee --------> employee

-dom --------> wisdom
-logy --------> biology
-ent --------> student
NB: Tidak semua kata benda memiliki akhiran seperti diatas.

dari tadi saya menyebut2 mengenai helping verb dan preposisi, apabila anda kurang mengerti, berikut ini penjelasannya.

A. Preposisi
Prepositions are words or phrases that clarify relationships. Prepositions are usually followed by nouns and pronouns. Sometimes the nouns are -ing form nouns. setelah preposisi harus menggunakan Noun, jika setelah preposisi dijumpai Verb, maka harus tambahkan -ing. preposisi diantaranya:
By, of, to, as, at, for, about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, despite, down, during, except, from, inside, in, into, like, near, off, on, onto, outside, over, past, since, trough, throughout, toward, under, underneath, unlike, until, upon, up, versus, with, within, without. Capable (prepotional idiom)By, of, to, as, at, for, about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, despite, down, during, except, from, inside, in, into, like, near, off, on, onto, outside, over, past, since, trough, throughout, toward, under, underneath, unlike, until, upon, up, versus, with, within, without. Capable (prepotional idiom)

B. Helping Verb.
yang dimaksud dengan helping verb adalah to be yang digunakan sebagai verb dalam kalimat karena tidak adanya verb. karena basic dalam kalimat dalam bahasa inggris adalah S+V apabila dalam sebuah kalimat tidak terdapat sabjek, atau verb, maka dapat dipastikan kalimat itu salah.
I am Beautiful
Yang termasuk Helping Verb>> Am, is, are. Was, were. Has, have, had. Be, dan been.

Preposition + Noun --------> Underneath the sky
Preposition + Verb-ing --------> in producing
Noun + Of --------> Lord of the ring
 Noun digunakan sebelum of, setelah artikel, adjektif, dan preposisi. (a. Article + Noun, b. Adjective + Noun, c.Preposition + Noun)

penjelasan saya mengenai Noun dari awal hingga akhir, sebenarnya lebih ke trik2 mudah dalam menghadapi soal TOEFL. nah sekarang coba selesaikan soal dibawah ini, soalnya terdiri dari pembahasan awal mengenai Noun hingga yang baru kita pelajari ^_^

Instruksi: pilih salah satu kata yang salah, dan koreksi dengan jawaban yang menurut anda benar

1. The sale of pet turtle was banned because of the disease risk they posed to young children.
2. Several of Washington Irving’s story have become classics in American literature.
3. As childs grow older, their bones become thicker and longer.
4. Some encyclopedias deal with specific fields, such as music or philosophy, and provide informations.
5. Agatha Christie’s detectives stories are admired both by critics and general readers.
6. The U.S. president serves a maximum of two 4-years terms.
7. Power tools require careful handling avoids injuries.
8. Proper development the eggs of most birds must be kept warm.
9. The ear is the organ of hearing, but it also plays a role in to maintain balance.
10. A crescent wrench has adjustable jaws for gripped a nut, bolt, or pipe.
11. Energy can be defined as the ability do working.
12. One of the most beautiful state capital is the Utah State Capital, located in Salt Lake City.
13. Each of the contestant won a prize.
Kunci Jawaban:
1. Turtle seharusnya Turtles.
2. story seharusnya stories.
3. Childs seharusnya Children.
4. Informations seharusnya information.
5. detectives seharusnya detective
6. 4-years seharusnya 4-year
7. avoids seharusnya to avoid
8. proper development seharusnya to develop properly
9. to maintain seharusnya maintaining
10. Gripped seharusnya gripping
11. do working seharusnya to do work
12. Capital seharusnya Capitals
13. Contestant seharusnya Contestants.

semoga bermanfaat ^_^

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